Muhammad Wanndy Bin Mohamed Jedi
Status: Active
Jedi, known as Abu Sayyaf Al-Malizi, claimed responsibility on behalf of Islamic State for a grenade attack on a Malaysian nightclub that wounded eight, last...
Status: Active
Jedi, known as Abu Sayyaf Al-Malizi, claimed responsibility on behalf of Islamic State for a grenade attack on a Malaysian nightclub that wounded eight, last...
Status: Active
Tamtomo, known as Abu Rayan, is suspected of organizing the Jakarta attacks in January 2016 that killed four civilians and wounded 23 with explosions and...
Status: Active
Taylor, known as Mohammad Daniel, is a former New Zealand infantryman who joined Islamic State in Syria. Former New Zealand soldier, Taylor, is known as...
Status: Active
Bouras a Swedish citizen of Tunisian descent, is a member of al-Qaeda. He has been involved with planning suicide attacks.
Status: Active
Elsheik, known as Shafee, is born in Sudan, and believed to have travelled to Syria to join al-Qaeda in 2012 before joining ISIS.
Status: Active
Al-Hasri has longstanding ties to al-Qa'ida, and was released in 2011 by Syrian authorities after spending six years in prison for his association with the...
Status: Active
Khalil was originally sent to Syria with six other individuals in 2011 by former al-Qa'ida in Iraq (AQI) official and current ISIS leader Abu Bakr...
Status: Active
Zarqawi is reported as having been a high school dropout and a petty criminal in his youth, including(allegedly), a procurer of prostitutes. He formed al-Tawhid...
Status: Active
Khalimov is former Tajikistan special operations colonel, police commander and military expert. Now he is a Syria-based ISIL member and recruiter. Khalimov was the commander...
Status: Active
He is a foreign fighter and member of al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Cherif converted to Islam in 2003. His mentor was Farid Benyettou....
Status: Active
She traveled to Syria in 2012 to join and fight for ISIL. While in Syria, Konig directed individuals in France to attack French government institutions...
Status: Active
Jones traveled from the UK to Syria in 2013 to join ISIL and fight alongside her husband, deceased ISIL hacker Junaid Hussain. Jones and Hussain...