Who is Who in the Zoo

// Infamous terrorist list

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Sena Hamzabegovic

Status: Active

Sena Hamzabegovic is a Bosnian woman arrested on suspicion of financially supporting her husband and other Bosnians who joined...

GFATF LLL Seyed Hojatollah Ghoreishi

Seyed Hojatollah Ghoreishi

Status: Active

He has led Iran’s military research and development efforts and was responsible for negotiating Iran’s agreement with Russia for the supply of Iranian UAVs for...

Razi Mousavi

Seyyed Reza

Status: Dead

Seyyed Reza is the head of the HQ office in the Damascus branch, consider an Iranian key figure in the region for many years

GFATF - LLL - Shabazz Suleman

Shabazz Suleman

Status: Active

Shabazz Suleman is a British man has been charged with terror offences after being arrested at the Heathrow Airport in London.


Shadi Abdalla

Status: Active

An individual named Shadi Abdalla has been described as an associate of Musab al Zarqawi, the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, and has having...

GFATF - LLL - Shah Rahman

Shah Rahman

Status: Active

A convicted terrorist who was jailed for plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange has been put back behind bars after police uncovered a secret...

GFATF - LLL - Shahan Choudhury

Shahan Choudhury

Status: Active

Shahan Choudhury is a former suspect in a gang murder has fled to Syria - after being radicalised in what is allegedly one of Britain's...

GFATF - LLL - Shaharam Poursafi

Shaharam Poursafi

Status: Active

Operative in unit 840 in the Europe and the US, he approached different Iranians that live in the US, to spot and detect - operational...

GFATF - LLL - Shahid Khan

Shahid Khan

Status: Active

Shahid Khan served 20 months in prison in 2013 after travelling to Pakistan with the intention of taking part in terrorism training. He was subject...

GFATF - LLL - Shahidul Gaffar

Shahidul Gaffar

Status: Active

Shahidul Gaffar pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to provide material support and resources to the Islamic State terrorist group. Gaffar (naturalized U.S. citizen) and his...