Who is Who in the Zoo

// Infamous terrorist list

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Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev

Status: Active

Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev is a citizen of Uzbekistan and resident of New York, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison for conspiring....


Abi Rizal Afif

Status: Active

Abi Rizal Afif is a man who was arrested recently for kidnapping boys has claimed that he had received terror convictions...

GFATF - LLL - Abid Podbicanin

Abid Podbicanin

Status: Active

Abid Podbicanin, born on 15 March 1979 in Prijepolje (Serbia), is a Serbian national who joined the Islamic State terrorist group.


Abou Mohamad Al Fateh

Status: Active

Abou Mohamad Al Fateh is a 28-year-old Moroccan who joined the ranks of the Islamic State terrorist group, was arrest...

LLL - GFATF - Abror Azimov

Abror Azimov

Status: Active

Azimov is born in 1990 in Kyrgyzstan where he grew up in Jalal-Abad. In 2011, he moved to Moscow, obtained Russian citizenship three years later,...

LLL - GFATF - Abu Ahmed al Kuwaiti

Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti

Status: Active

Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti was a Pakistani al-Qaeda member and courier for Osama bin Laden. He was not a Kuwaiti, but rather was an ethnic Pashtun...

GFATF LLL Abu Ali Al-Hakim

Abu Ali Al-Hakim

Status: Active

He is Iran's terrorist arm in Yemen. One of the most prominent war criminal members of the Iran backed Houthi militias, a fake major general...

Abu Ali al-Tunisi

Status: Dead

Key leader of ISIS in Iraq, the leader of manufacturing – operations