Who is Who in the Zoo

// Infamous terrorist list

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Mohammad Ahmad Ammar

Status: Active

Was part of Hezbollah’s transnational money-laundering and narcotics operations.

GFATF LLL Mohammad Ataya

Mohammad Ataya

Status: Active

He was a senior operative in unit 1800 in its old form. Unit 1800 oversaw launching terror attacks inside Israel that will come from its...

GFATF - LLL - Mohammad Emwazi

Mohammad Emwazi

Status: Active

Emwaz was nicknamed "John" since he was part of a four-person terrorist cell with English accents whom they called "The Beatles" (the press started calling...

Mohammad Hussein Srour

Status: Dead

He was responsible for launching the UAVs towards Israel since October 2023 from Lebanon and Yemen


Mohammad Ishaq

Status: Active

Mohammad Ishaq alias Gul carried explosives and a suicide jacket when he was arrested near the railway station in the city after his arrival from...

GFATF - LLL - Mohammad Maroh Kabaha

Mohammad Maroh Kabaha

Status: Active

Mohammad Maroh Kabaha is a Palestinian terrorist who killed the Israeli national Esther Horgen on December 20. Kabaha planned the attack some six weeks in...