Who is Who in the Zoo

// Infamous terrorist list

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GFATF - LLL - Khalid Bouloudos

Khalid Bouloudo

Status: Active

Khalid Bouloudo is a Belgian-Moroccan terrorist convict who has trained in a terrorist camp in Afghanistan, and was secretly part of the Moroccan Islamic Combatant...


Khalid Qaddour

Status: Active

Khalid Qaddour (Qaddour) is a Syrian businessman and close associate of Maher al-Assad, who was designated under E.O. 13572 in 2011 in connection with his...

GFATF - LLL - Khalid Zerkani

Khalid Zerkani

Status: Active

Khalid Zerkani is a Moroccan recruiter and propagandist who is serving a 15-year-sentence in Ittre prison in Belgium on terrorism-related charges. He was called by...

Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani

Status: Dead

Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani is an internationally designated Taliban official and senior leader within the Haqqani network.

GFATF LLL Khalil Mouhamad Azam

Khalil Mouhamad Azam

Status: Active

Head of military intelligence for Al-Shimali, involved in an Al-Shimali storage project called Sakha or Al-Gharbi

GFATF LLL Khalil Rizk

Khalil Rizk

Status: Active

The deputy commander of Hezbollah’s external relations unit. Some call him the foreign minister of Hezbollah

GFATF - Khalil Yusif Harb

Khalil Yusif Harb

Status: Active

Harb was given responsibility for overseeing work of the Islamic Resistance, including assisting with the smuggling of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives from Syria...

GFATF - LLL - Khuram Iqbal

Khuram Iqbal

Status: Active

Khuram Iqbal is a convicted terrorist has been jailed for 16 months over his cryptocurrency trading on the dark web.