Who is Who in the Zoo

// Infamous terrorist list

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GFATF - LLL - Husnain Rashid

Husnain Rashid

Status: Active

Husnain Rashid is an Islamic State supporter who is being accused of encouraging attacks on Prince George. He used an encrypted messaging app to urge...

Hussein Abu Rida

Status: Active

He was mentioned as the successor to the head of the party's liaison and coordination unit, Hajj Wafiq Safa.

GFATF LLL Hussein Ahmad Karaki

Hussein Ahmad Karaki

Status: Active

A senior member at Hezbollah’s special unit 910, commander of the Latin America region during the two terror attacks in Argentina at the 90’s. Karaki...

Hussein Ahmed Hadraj

Status: Dead

HQ Chief of Staff of the Radwan Force who was involved in the transfer of weapons and the strengthening of the organization.

GFATF LLL Hussein Ali Hazimeh

Hussein Ali Hazimeh

Status: Dead

Head of Hezbollah’s Intelligence apparatus, also known as unit 200 - analyzes and assesses information collected by Hezbollah military units

GFATF LLL Hussein Atris

Hussein Atris

Status: Active

Hezbollah operative, arrested in 2012 in Thailand with large quantity of Ammonium Nitrate and served time in prison

GFATF LLL Hussein Hassan Oneissi

Hussein Hassan Oneissi

Status: Active

Was part of the squad in the assassination team that plotted and executed Hariri’s assassination

Hussein Ibrahim Makki

Status: Dead

A very senior and crucial figure in Hezbollah’s Southern front. He had previously commanded Hezbollah’s coastal division

GFATF LLL Hussein Mounir Mouzannar

Hussein Mounir Mouzannar

Status: Active

Involved in the financial and the logistical assistance to the squad of unit 910 that took out the attack in the AMIA building in 1994...

Hussein Muhammad Asili

Status: Dead

He was appointed to be the head of Radwan forces after several eliminations, after few days he was eliminated as well.