Who is Who in the Zoo

// Infamous terrorist list

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Esmat Hamouri

Status: Active

Sheikh Esmat Hamouri was indicted for calling directly for acts of terror during a speech to prayer goers on the Temple Mount.

GFATF - LLL - Espen Andersen Brathen

Espen Andersen Brathen

Status: Active

Espen Andersen Brathen is the alleged bow and arrow terrorist who killed five people in the town of Kongsberg, Norway.


Essam el-Haddad

Status: Active

Dr. Essam El-Haddad is a UK trained physician and long-time Muslim Brotherhood member who was appointed to the Guidance Bureau in February 2012, later becoming...

LLL - GFATF - Fabien Clain

Fabien Clain

Status: Active

Fabien Clain was a purported veteran jihadist terrorist loyal to ISIL. He had French nationality and was of Réunionnais origin, but has been described as...

GFATF LLL Fadi Al Mallah

Fadi Al Mallah

Status: Active

Head commander of the Galilee Forces, and Secretary General of the Palestinian Return Youth Movement


Fahd Ismail

Status: Active

Fahd Ismail has been charged with terrorism offences following an investigation by the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command. He was arrested on suspicion of an offence...

GFATF - LLL - Fahim Adam

Fahim Adam

Status: Active

Fahim Adam, of Blackburn, Lancs, was caught with an Islamic State terror manual after he ploughed into a wall and police found it on his...

GFATF - LLL - Faisullah Nazar

Faisullah Nazar

Status: Active

Faisullah Nazar is a man accused of fund-raising for an overseas terrorist group. Nazar of Richmond Road (Dublin) faces two charges under the Money Laundering...

LLL - GFATF - Faiz Mohammed Ahmed Al Kandari

Faiz Mohammed Ahmed Al Kandari

Status: Active

Fayiz Mohammed Ahmed is a Kuwaiti citizen who was held in extrajudicial detention in the United States' Guantanamo Bay detainment camp in Cuba, from 2002...

GFATF LLL Faker Ben Abdelazziz Boussora

Faker Ben Abdelazziz Boussora

Status: Active

AQ trained operative with declared intentions of becoming a suicide bomber. He has extensive connections to radical Islamic extremists