Who is Who in the Zoo

// Infamous terrorist list

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GFATF - LLL - Allison Fluke Ekren

Allison Fluke Ekren

Status: Active

Allison Fluke-Ekren is a former Kansas teacher that could face up to 20 years in prison after being accused of leading an all-female battalion...


Almaida Marani Salvin

Status: Active

In April 2019, Salvin was arrested in Zamboanga City, Philippines, based on her suspected unlawful manufacture, sale, acquisition, disposition, importation, or possession of an explosive...

GFATF - LLL - Almir Dachi

Almir Dachi

Status: Active

Almir Dachi, born on 1 August 1983 in Albania, is an Islamic State terrorist who joined the terrorist group in Syria. He was imam at...

GFATF - LLL - Alo Bridget Namoa

Alo-Bridget Namoa

Status: Active

Alo-Bridget Namoa is a Sydney woman convicted of plotting a terror attack on New Year’s Eve 2015 with her husband. Namoa was sentenced to three...

LLL - GFATF - Amaani Noor

Amaani Noor

Status: Active

Former beauty contest finalist Amaani Noor is a former beauty queen has been found guilty of funding terrorism after sending her online “husband” £35. She...

GFATF LLL Amadou Koufa

Amadou Koufa

Status: Active

One of the top deputies to Iyad Ag Ghali, the leader of the JNIM. Has the rank of Emir

GFATF - LLL - Amang Hamasalih

Amang Hamasalih

Status: Active

Aman Hamasalih wanted to send SD cards to his brother Awat in jail, concealed within two children’s books and a Harry Potter novel. The package...

GFATF - LLL - Amer Al Haggagi

Amer Al-Haggagi

Status: Active

Amer Al-Haggagi is an East Bay man serving prison time for talking about wanting to kill some 10,000 Bay Area residents.

GFATF - LLL - Amer Alhaggagi

Amer Alhaggagi

Status: Active

Amer Alhaggagi is an Oakland man who pleaded guilty to trying to support an Islamic terrorist group. Alhaggagi said he opened Twitter and Facebook accounts...

GFATF - LLL - Amer Mohamed Akil Rada

Amer Mohamed Akil Rada

Status: Active

Amer Akil Rada is a Venezuelan-Lebanese dual national who runs a South American import-export business suspected of funneling money to Hezbollah. Akil Rada is the...