Lebanese authorities sentenced five Syrians on terrorism charges
The military court in Lebanon has sentenced five Syrians to capital punishment or life imprisonment for killing soldiers at the Battle of Arsal in 2014.
The military court in Lebanon has sentenced five Syrians to capital punishment or life imprisonment for killing soldiers at the Battle of Arsal in 2014.
The spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasool, stated that the Iraqi army forces had killed ISIS elements south of...
According to Iraqi media, the series of anti-terrorist operations of the Iraqi army continue in different parts of this country.
Sudanese security services have recently arrested members of a terrorist cell affiliated with the Islamic State (IS).
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Thomas Osadzinski was a DePaul University computer science student in June 2018 when he allegedly sent out a message in an online chat room seeking...
On Tuesday, Munir Akram, the Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations has said that India is supporting terrorism in Pakistan...