Exposing Hezbollah’s lies
Israel successfully thwarted Hezbollah's and Iran's attempts to launch suicide drones from the Syrian village of Aqraba, located some 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) from Israel's...
Israel successfully thwarted Hezbollah's and Iran's attempts to launch suicide drones from the Syrian village of Aqraba, located some 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) from Israel's...
Indonesian police reported this Monday the arrest of eight individuals, members of an extremist group linked to the Islamic State (ISIS), who were planning terrorist...
Singapore has arrested three Indonesian women working as domestic helpers in the city on suspicion they donated funds to support the Islamic State of Iraq...
A civil lawsuit by three U.S. law firms this week accusing a Turkish bank of financing the Palestinian group Hamas, listed as a terrorist organisation...
Three U.S. law firms have sued a leading Turkish Islamic bank on behalf of an American family for aiding and abetting terrorist activity, Washington based...
A Columbia man charged in federal court with trying to aid a terrorist operation has pleaded guilty to a single charge in federal court
The fall of the Islamic State’s (IS’) last stronghold in Baghouz, Syria, in March 2019 marked the end of its so-called territorial caliphate. A total...
In September 2016 two women parked a car near Notre Dame cathedral, central Paris, loaded with gas canisters and lit it, intending to set off...
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan late on Monday admitted that the Pakistan army and its Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) trained the Al Qaeda and other terrorist...
On Tuesday, Lebanon's state security managed to detain Syrian suspect over alleged connections with Daesh terrorist organization, the National News Agency reported
Police forces arrested on Tuesday two members of the Islamic State militant group in the oil-rich province of Kirkuk, the Interior Ministry said
In photos released online yesterday, the Islamic State showed fighters within its Somali branch training in a makeshift camp in Somalia’s northern Puntland region