Today News

GFATF - LLL - Mass graves discovered in Libya

Mass graves discovered in Libya

Libyan authorities said Monday that seven unidentified bodies were found in the western town of Tarhuna, where scores of corpses have been discovered in mass...

GFATF - LLL - Hezbollah backers praise Rushdie attack highlighting Lebanese Shiite divisions

Hezbollah attack on gas field may spark war

Israel on Monday warned Lebanon’s Hezbollah any attack on its gas assets could spark war, after the terrorist organization threatened to “sever” Israel’s hands if...

gfatf - Houthis rebels raise money for terrorist organizaiton Hezbollah

Gulf of Aden security review

Yemeni President Rashad al Alimi met with unspecified UAE officials in Abu Dhabi on August 17. The UAE reportedly demanded that Alimi withdraw all Yemeni...

GFATF - LLL - Why Afghanistan matters little to the west

Why Afghanistan matters little to the west

Absent a major, credible transnational terrorist threat, Afghanistan has returned to where it should have always been: a peripheral concern of the United States and...