Today News

Hamas sentences three men to death

Three Palestinians from the Gaza Strip have been sentenced to death by a Hamas court on charges of collaboration with Israel. A fourth man received...

Hezbollah pressing Christian MPs

Hezbollah is seeking to secure one-half-plus-one of parliament’s votes for its candidate Suleiman Franjieh through “intensifying individual meetings with Christian MPs,” a parliamentary source said....

15 ISIS suspects held across Turkey

Turkish security forces arrested 15 people, including three Iraqis, suspected of having links to the Daesh/ISIS terror group across the country, security sources said on...

Hizbullah and Russia’s Nascent Alliance

While the world’s attention is focused on Ukraine, Russia has been steadily expanding its presence in the Middle East, including through its dealings with the...

ISIS Goes After BTS, Harry Styles, Elon Musk

ISIS derided Korean boy band BTS, British pop star Harry Styles, and Tesla CEO Elon Musk as having “absolutely disgusting” influence and claimed that men...