Today News

LLL - GFATF - Over 1000 ISIS terrorists left in Syria

Over 1000 ISIS terrorists left in Syria

Over 1,000 members of the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group are still fighting inside the Al-Safa region of southern Syria, a military source told Al-Masdar...

Morroco arrests suspects linked to terror

According to a joint statement from the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) and the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DGST), one of the suspec

LLL - GFATF - Syrian forces kill two ISIS terrorists

Syrian forces kill two ISIS terrorists

The special missions groups at the authorities concerned killed two of Daesh (ISIS) terrorists and arrested 7 others, in addition to confiscating an amount of...

ISIS controls village in Khanaqin

ISIS controlled a Shiite-populated village in Khanaqin district of Diyala province following resistance from inhabitants late on Monday night, according to a Peshmerga c