A top official of the Kurdistan Region's Peshmerga forces warned that the Islamic State remains an immediate threat to domestic and international security, adding that...
The terrorists attacked the settlement of Kamuthe in Garissa County near Kenya’s border with Somalia on Monday, according to a police report. They killed three...
The Syrian Observatory learned that 4 members of the “Islamic State” organization chanted “the Islamic State is here to stay” as they drove today on...
Iraqi Federal Police said on Sunday they have seized 65 explosive devices belonging to the Islamic State (IS) in the disputed Kurdish province of Kirkuk....
Extremist groups attacked on Sunday with rockets several neighborhoods and the International Airport of Alepo, 355 kilometers north of this capital, causing two dead and...
The Trump administration is prioritizing the threat posed by Hezbollah and the rest of Iran’s terrorist proxy network in ways President Barack Obama's administration never...