Firas Ahmad
Firas Ahmad, Nazem Said Ahmad’s son, handles many of his father’s business affairs in South Africa. Firas Ahmad is the director of South Africa-based diamond...
Firas Ahmad, Nazem Said Ahmad’s son, handles many of his father’s business affairs in South Africa. Firas Ahmad is the director of South Africa-based diamond...
Samer Akil Rada is considered to be a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency field in Venezuela, it is highly likely that he is in contact...
Noah Zaitar is a Lebanese national with close ties to both the SAA’s Fourth Division and certain members of Hizballah
Daqqou developed a reputation as a source for Captagon and facilitator of smuggling across the Syria-Lebanon border under the protection of Hizballah associates
Samer Kamal al-Assad (Samer) is a cousin of President al-Assad and oversees key Captagon production facilities in regime-controlled Latakia, Syria, in coordination with the Fourth...
Iraqi citizen that is taking critical part at the Quds Force’s USD smuggling from Iraq to Iran.
Iraqi citizen that is taking critical part at the Quds Force’s USD smuggling from Iraq to Iran.
Afif Chouman (“Abu al-Fadel”), a distant relative of theirs, is the head of the charity “Help Each Other” , which belongs to Hezbollah
Part of the family business “Shuman for Currency Exchange SARL”, Financier of Hezbollah and Hamas.
Part of the family business “Shuman for Currency Exchange SARL”, Financier of Hezbollah and Hamas.
Owner of “Shuman for Currency Exchange SARL”, Financier of Hezbollah and Hamas
Hossein Asineh is business activist related to Quds Force, connected to the smuggling platform of Quds Force in Iraq.