Hassan Muhammad Daqqou
Daqqou developed a reputation as a source for Captagon and facilitator of smuggling across the Syria-Lebanon border under the protection of Hizballah associates
Daqqou developed a reputation as a source for Captagon and facilitator of smuggling across the Syria-Lebanon border under the protection of Hizballah associates
Samer Kamal al-Assad (Samer) is a cousin of President al-Assad and oversees key Captagon production facilities in regime-controlled Latakia, Syria, in coordination with the Fourth...
Shahariari was the one who pushed forward the capabilities of the unit. He built and directed the infrastructure enabling Quds Force to transfer sensitive weapons...
Seyed Badroddin Naiemael Moosavi, owner of a company Strattonview Properties, facilitated the movement of the gold from Caracas to Turkey to finance Hezbollah terrorist activities
Seyed Badroddin Naiemael Moosavi, owner of a company in UK Lotus Universal, facilitated the movement of the gold from Caracas to Turkey to finance Hezbollah...
Seyed Badroddin Naiemael Moosavi, owner of a company in Dubai ACS Trading Co., facilitated the movement of the gold from Caracas to Turkey to finance...
Iraqi citizen that is taking critical part at the Quds Force’s USD smuggling from Iraq to Iran.
Iraqi citizen that is taking critical part at the Quds Force’s USD smuggling from Iraq to Iran.
Afif Chouman (“Abu al-Fadel”), a distant relative of theirs, is the head of the charity “Help Each Other” , which belongs to Hezbollah
Part of the family business “Shuman for Currency Exchange SARL”, Financier of Hezbollah and Hamas.
Part of the family business “Shuman for Currency Exchange SARL”, Financier of Hezbollah and Hamas.
Owner of “Shuman for Currency Exchange SARL”, Financier of Hezbollah and Hamas