Union of Good
Chairman: Youssef Al Qaradawi; Umbrella organization of more than 50 Islamic charity organizations. Formed mostly to assist HAMAS.
Chairman: Youssef Al Qaradawi; Umbrella organization of more than 50 Islamic charity organizations. Formed mostly to assist HAMAS.
Founder: Khalifa bin Mohammed al-Rabban; Location: Doha, Qatar.
Notable person: Youssef Al Qaradawi; Fondation that provides a cover for Al-Qaradawi’s allegedly academic activity and incitement addresses. Through the Qatar Foundation, he spreads his...
Founder: Youssef Al Qaradawi; Mision: to provide fatwas on an international basis.
CEO (in absent) of The Islamic American University in Michigan: Youssef Al Qaradawi; One of the daughter organizations of MAS.
Alkarama lobbies on behalf of Islamist detainees around the world, and it accuses Western and Arab governments of suppressing the rights of political groups that...
GAAC is headed by Sheikh Safar al-Hawali from Saudi Arabia. Al-Hawali is said to have led the sahwa or "awakening" movement in Saudi Arabia, a...
Eid Charity is probably the biggest and most influential activist Salafi-controlled relief organization in the world. Khaled Ahmed is the Charity’s head of finance. The...