Jamia Asariya Madrassa
For several years, organizations including Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LT) and Al-Akhtar Trust have used Jamia Asariya as a financial conduit to bring money into Pakistan.
For several years, organizations including Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LT) and Al-Akhtar Trust have used Jamia Asariya as a financial conduit to bring money into Pakistan.
Al Rashid Trust had been raising funds for the Taliban since 1999. The Al Rashid Trust is a group that funded al Qaida and the...
In 2013, Al-Kawthar was involved in facilitating money transfers for ISIS’s predecessor, Al-Qa’ida in Iraq (AQI). As of mid-2016, Al-Kawthar Money Exchange, located in ISIS-controlled...
The IIROSA's Philippines Branch (IIRO-PHL) is a source of funding for the al Qaida-affiliated Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG).
As of late 2002, International Islamic Relief Organization-Indonesia Branch (IIRO-IDN) allegedly financed the establishment of training facilities for use by al Qaida associates.
Under Shaykh Aminullah’s leadership, the Ganj Madrassa has trained and harbored Taliban fighters who have subsequently been dispatched to Afghanistan.
Welfare and Development Organization of Jamaat-ud-Dawah for Qur'an and Sunnah (WDO), known as, Welfare and Development Org, was designated for being controlled by Inayat ur...
ASWJ is a Sunni Islamic organisation operating in the United Kingdom, intended to be a successor to the banned Al-Muhajiroun organisation.
In response to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, Al Ghurabaa' published an article on their website titled, "Kill those who insult the Prophet Muhammad".
Islam4UK described itself as having "been established by sincere Muslims as a platform to propagate the supreme Islamic ideology within the United Kingdom as a...
The Saved Sect aka The Saviour Sect, is a Muslim Islamist organization that operated in the United Kingdom from its formation in November 2005 until...
The Al-Aqsa Foundation is an international charity established in 1997. The head office of the foundation was located in Aachen, Germany, until it was closed...