Terror Financiers

Devlet Bahceli

Bahçeli is a founder of the Grey Wolves, and was elected as the chairman of the MHP in the first congress held after the death...

GFATF LLL Ahmed Sadu Jahleb

Ahmed Sadu Jahleb

Hamas operative and part of Hamas’s investment network in Turkey

GFATF LLL Amer Kamal Sharif Alshawa

Amer Kamal Sharif Alshawa

Amer Kamal Sharif Alshawa is Hamas operative and are part of Hamas’s investment network in Türkiye and Algeria

GFATF LLL Abdelbasit Hamza Elhassan Mohamed Khair

Abdelbasit Hamza

Sudan-based Hamas financier who has managed numerous companies in Hamas’s investment portfolio and was previously involved in the transfer of almost $20 million to Hamas

GFATF LLL Zaher Jabarin

Zaher Jabarin

Turkey-based Jabarin is the head of Hamas’s Finance Office. In this capacity, he manages Hamas’s yearly budget amounting to tens of millions of dollars, is...

GFATF LLL Green Without Borders

Green Without Borders

Lebanese NGO Green Without Borders is working with Hezbollah's construction arm Jihad al-Binaa and with the militant group's allies inside and outside the government, GWB...


Sanat Asmari Company

Sanat Asmari Company, one of IRGC’s cover companies, is a manufacturer of parts and bodies of Shahed-136 UAVs


Rima Baker

Nazem Said Ahmad’s wife, Rima Baker, served as a proxy for Nazem Said Ahmad for both the purchase as well as the consignment of works...


Rami Baker

Rami Baker, Nazem Said Ahmad’s brother-in-law, is a close friend and business associate who served as a proxy for Nazem Said Ahmad in many companies...