General details for united states

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Terrorist Attacks in united states

Terror Financiers

Terrorism Financiers

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GFATF LLL Zaher Jabarin

Zaher Jabarin

Turkey-based Jabarin is the head of Hamas’s Finance Office. In this capacity, he manages Hamas’s[...]


Martyrs Foundation

The Martyrs Foundation is an Iranian parastatal organization that channels financial support from Iran to[...]


Terrorism Events

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 Terrorist Groups

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GFATF - LLL - Army of Islam

Army of Islam

Army of Islam (official name - The Army of Islam Group in Jerusalem) is a[...]

GFATF - LLL - Badr Organization

Badr Organization

The Badr Organization is an Iraqi political party, formed in 1982 and headed by Hadi[...]

GFATF - LLL - Abu Nidal Organization

Abu Nidal Organization

The Abu Nidal Organization (ANO) is the most common name for the Palestinian nationalist militant[...]

GFATF - LLL - Ajnad Misr

Ajnad Misr

Ajnad Misr is an active Salafist Islamist terrorist group that has been operating near Cairo,[...]



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