General details for iran

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Terrorist Attacks in iran

Terror Financiers

Terrorism Financiers

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GFATF LLL Zaher Jabarin

Zaher Jabarin

Turkey-based Jabarin is the head of Hamas’s Finance Office. In this capacity, he manages Hamas’s[...]


Sanat Asmari Company

Sanat Asmari Company, one of IRGC’s cover companies, is a manufacturer of parts and bodies[...]


Arkam Abbas Al-Kabi

Harakat Al-Nujaba (HAN) (established in 2013 by al-Kabi) is an Iran-backed Iraqi militia funded by[...]

GFATF - LLL - Behnam Shahariari

Behnam Shahariari

Shahariari was the one who pushed forward the capabilities of the unit. He built and[...]


Maysam Sadeghi

Iraqi citizen that is taking critical part at the Quds Force’s USD smuggling from Iraq[...]


Terrorism Events

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 Terrorist Groups

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GFATF LLL Galilee Forces

Galilee Forces

An organization calling itself the Galilee Forces – Lone Wolves it was established in Syria[...]

GFATF LLL IRGC Intelligence Organization

IRGC Intelligence Organization

IRGC Intelligence Organization is an Iranian intelligence agency within the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)[...]


IRGC Quds Force

Provides financial and military support to militant and terrorist groups, including to Hezbollah and groups[...]

GFATF - LLL - Ansar Al Furqan

Ansar Al-Furqan

Ansar Al-Furqan is a Sunni Baloch militant organization active in Sistan and Baluchestan insurgency and[...]

GFATF - LLL - Jaish ul Adl

Jaish ul-Adl

Jaish ul-Adl or Jaish al-Adl, is a Salafi terrorist organization that operates mainly in southeastern[...]



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