General details for lebanon

Lebanon Terrorism Supporter [read full report +]

Terrorist Attacks in lebanon

Terror Financiers

Terrorism Financiers

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GFATF LLL Green Without Borders

Green Without Borders

Lebanese NGO Green Without Borders is working with Hezbollah's construction arm Jihad al-Binaa and with[...]


Rima Baker

Nazem Said Ahmad’s wife, Rima Baker, served as a proxy for Nazem Said Ahmad for[...]


Artual Gallery

Hind Ahmad directly owns and operates Artual Gallery in Beirut, Lebanon. Since 2018, Nazem Said[...]


Rim Nasser

Acted as a nominee shareholder in Oriental Dynasty Limited

GFATF LLL Imad Abdul Reda Bakri 3

Imad Abdul Reda Bakri

Imad Abdul Reda Bakri is a Hezbollah financier and Weapon smuggler. He is a major[...]


Terrorism Events

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 Terrorist Groups

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GFATF LLL Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada

Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada

The Department of State is today designating Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS) and its Secretary General[...]

GFATF LLL Galilee Forces

Galilee Forces

An organization calling itself the Galilee Forces – Lone Wolves it was established in Syria[...]


IRGC Quds Force

Provides financial and military support to militant and terrorist groups, including to Hezbollah and groups[...]

GFATF - LLL - Mukhtar Army

Mukhtar Army

Formed in the 2013 by Wathiq al-Battat (former senior official in the Hezbollah Brigades), Mukhtar[...]

GFATF - LLL - Abu Nidal Organization

Abu Nidal Organization

The Abu Nidal Organization (ANO) is the most common name for the Palestinian nationalist militant[...]



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