The Islamic State (ISIS) has vowed to "turn the Christian New Year into a bloody horror movie," specifically calling on its radical supporters in the...
Daesh leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is currently hiding underground near the city of Mosul, Iraqi Maj. Gen. Fadhil Jalil Barwari said on Friday. He added...
The United Kingdom is facing an "unprecedented" terrorism threat that will not subside until the Syrian civil war ends, the head of British foreign intelligence...
Two Somali-American men in Minnesota were sentenced on Tuesday for conspiring to support the Islamic State (ISIS) jihadist group Senior U.S. District Judge Michael Davis...
Islamic State fighters have executed scores more people around Mosul and are reportedly stockpiling ammonia and sulphur in civilian areas, possibly for use as chemical...
In the now week-long battle for the strategic city of Mosul, the United States and coalition partners have pounded jihadist fighters with more targeted airstrikes...