Terror Financing
Origin from: united states Associated States: india;
2 Jun, 2020 American social media giant Twitter has been accepting money from banned terrorist organisations which have been involved in targeting Indian citizens, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)...
ISIL - ISIS / Terrorism
Origin from: united states Associated States: syria;
2 Jun, 2020 A US citizen was sentenced to more than five years in prison for attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State (IS). Alison Marie...
Al Qaida / ISIL - ISIS / Terrorist Threat
Origin from: united states
2 Jun, 2020 “It is not the most powerful nor the most intelligent of actors that will survive new conflicts, it is the ones that are most adaptable...
ISIL - ISIS / Terrorist Threat
Origin from: united states Associated States: jordan;
29 May, 2020 The United States would offer up to $3 million for the arrest of a senior leader of ISIS who has overseen the extremist grisly execution...
Origin from: united states
29 May, 2020 A senior Islamic State leader the U.S. had put a $5 million bounty on was killed this week in a coalition airstrike aided by Syrian...
ISIL - ISIS / Terrorism / Terrorist Threat
Origin from: united states
29 May, 2020 The FBI has taken a 23-year-old Tampa man into custody after the U.S. Department of Justice accused him of acquiring weapons to carry out a...
Hamas / Hezbollah / Terror Financing / Terrorism
Origin from: united states Associated States: lebanon; venezuela; palestine;
28 May, 2020 A former member of the Venezuelan National Assembly and an ally of disputed President Nicolas Maduro was charged Wednesday in New York with narco-terrorism offenses...