Known only as Haroon, the 10-year-old became obsessed with the Islamic group after reading about the horrific Paris terror attacks in 2015. The youngster watched...
A preacher named as influencing the perpetrators of the Tunisian beach massacre has won £123,000 in legal aid to fight deportation, it emerged today. Hani...
Islamic State militants are keen to launch “mass-casualty attacks” on targets in the UK, as well as overseas, UK Security Minister Ben Wallace said, adding...
The United Kingdom is facing an "unprecedented" terrorism threat that will not subside until the Syrian civil war ends, the head of British foreign intelligence...
ISIS will launch terror attacks on Britain once the jihadis are forced from their stronghold in Mosul in Iraq, a government minister has warned. International...
ISIS has released a video online showing five young boys killing five prisoners. The video identifies the children, dressed in camouflage and holding handguns, as...
At least 50 British children are thought to be living in Islamic State territories and are being trained to become the next generation of terrorists....