

Marwan Mahdi Salah Al-Rawi

In late January 2018, OFAC-designated ISIS financial facilitator Walid Talib Zughayr al-Rawi, was aware of an approximately $500,000 financial transaction of Redin Exchange administrator Marwan...

GFATF LLL Ismael Tash

Ismael Tash

Since at least 2017, Tash has had ongoing contact with a money transfer channel managed by the designated Hamas financial facilitator Muhammad Sarur. This channel...


Redin Exchange

As of March 2019, the Turkey-based Redin Exchange and the designated financial facilitator Muhammad Sarur were involved in a $10 million dollar transfer to Hamas’s...


Al-Khalidi Exchange

As of September 2017, ISIS-affiliated al-Khalidi served as a hawala financial exchange office. All locations were run by two individuals who knowingly assisted ISIS members...


Al-Hebo Jewelry Company

As of late 2017, al-Hebo’s location in Gaziantep, Turkey was involved in an ISIS scheme to convert gold into cash to more efficiently and secretly...


Al Haram Foreign Exchange Co. Ltd

As of April 2019, ISIS members in Syria received instruction to conduct all financial transactions with Al Haram Exchange. As of early 2017, Al Haram...