3 citizens killed in an attack by ISIS terrorists in the countryside of Hama
Yesterday , three citizens of one family were killed in a terrorist attack carried out by ISIS in the Salamiyah area in the eastern countryside...
Yesterday , three citizens of one family were killed in a terrorist attack carried out by ISIS in the Salamiyah area in the eastern countryside...
Seven people including several civilians were killed Wednesday when a drone strike targeted a weapons factory belonging to Iran-backed factions in government-held eastern Syria, a...
The nearly eight-year-old U.S. deployment to Syria to combat Islamic State is still worth the risk, the top U.S. military officer said on Saturday, after...
The United States Central Command announced it carried out 48 operations, with other partners, against ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria last month.
Around 3,000 of Iraq’s most dangerous terrorists are currently in northeast Syria, Iraq's top military spokesperson said on Thursday.
ISIS has long been known for its sexual predation on Yazidi, Christian, Shia and even Sunni women who they captured and forced into sexual slavery,...
Since 2011, conflict between the government of Syrian President Bashar al Asad and opposition forces seeking his removal has displaced roughly half of the country’s...