European Union vows to tackle extremism as attacks continue in 2020
Europe has faced a series of terror attacks on its soil during 2020, prompting the European Union to pledge a crackdown on extremism both online...
Europe has faced a series of terror attacks on its soil during 2020, prompting the European Union to pledge a crackdown on extremism both online...
Europe's latest jihadist attacks may have targeted France and Austria, but Spain, like the rest of the continent, remains within the sights of extremists and...
National police in Spain announced the arrest of a Moroccan national for his alleged links with ISIS in collaboration with the security services of Morocco.
More than a dozen armed police have raided homes in Spain in connection with a key European ISIS cell suspected of sending money to Syria....
The Spanish National Police (Policía Nacional), supported by Europol, arrested a young woman, inspired by jihadist terrorism, who was willing to join fighters for the...
Spain's High Court will on Tuesday open the trial of three suspected Islamist militants linked to a 2017 attack in Barcelona which killed 14 people...
On 28 October, Europol supported the CGI of the Spanish National Police (Comisaría General de Información de la Policía Nacional) in arresting three suspects linked...