

Martyrs Foundation

The Martyrs Foundation is an Iranian parastatal organization that channels financial support from Iran to several terrorist organizations in the Levant, including Hizballah, Hamas, and...


Husayn al-Shami

Husayn al-Shami, the head of Bayt al-Mal, is a senior Hizballah leader who has served as a member of Hizballah's Shura Council and as the...


Muhamad Ali Al-Hebo

As of early 2017, al-Hebo and al-Khalidi were both under the control and management of Muhamad. During this same timeframe, Muhamad was involved in operating...


Al Haram Foreign Exchange Co. Ltd

As of April 2019, ISIS members in Syria received instruction to conduct all financial transactions with Al Haram Exchange. As of early 2017, Al Haram...