Associated States: lebanon; syria;
27 Jun, 2016 A group of four ISIS suicide bombers blew themselves up in a Christian village in Lebanon in killing five people and wounding at least 15....
Associated States: iraq; lebanon; syria;
25 Jun, 2016 Hezbollah has started to recruit Palestinian youth residing in local refugee camps. Some of the new recruits already joined the Shiite group's security forces inside...
Associated States: lebanon; syria;
22 Jun, 2016 Hezbollah is facing a severe financial crunch in the latest period .This is reflected in many of its institutions that are strongly tied to the...
Osbat Al-Ansar / Terrorism
Origin from: lebanon
11 Feb, 2015 Gunmen shot dead the youngest and last living son of the founder of Osbat Al Ansar in Lebanon's largest Palestinian refugee camp of Ain al-Hilweh...