Terror-tied Qatari think tank’s anti-Israel, pro-BDS stance
Earlier this month, major Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic ties with Qatar, accusing it of financing and sheltering terrorists and maintaining cordi
Earlier this month, major Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic ties with Qatar, accusing it of financing and sheltering terrorists and maintaining cordi
The Lebanese army has detained some 350 people, including members of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group, during raids on Syrian refugee camps in the northeastern...
They described how the leaders had fled Raqqa as pressure mounted from the U.S.-backed campaign and separate offensives by Turkey-backed rebels and Russian-backed govern
Recent developments in the war between the Syrian regime and rebel forces show that the relative comfort zone that Israel has long enjoyed along its...
Iran's recent missile attack on ISIS targets in eastern Syria represents another escalation in the ongoing war between radical Shi'ites and jihadist Sunnis across the
When the Islamic State claimed credit for an attack on Israeli soil for the first time Friday and vowed to strike again, the response here...
A 22-year-old Australian-born man has been arrested at Sydney Airport for allegedly attempting to fly to Syria and fight with the Islamic State. He was...