The landscape of the conflict between Israel and Hamas is growing increasingly intricate, as numerous international actors are now becoming becoming entangled. On the domestic...
Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani and the newly inaugurated German envoy to Iraq on Monday stressed the continued need to combat ISIS threats, as the...
Sometimes, on happier days, I like to comment on the remarkable similarities between Singapore and the Gaza Strip. Both are self-governing city-states located at key...
As the bloody attack unfolded on Israeli soil on Saturday, jubilant Hamas terrorists uploaded to social media brutal video clips of their work: bodies of...
A drone attack Thursday on a Syrian military academy in government-held Homs killed more than 100 people including at least 14 civilians, a war monitor...
The evidence that Iranian officials ran an influence operation that penetrated the State and Defense departments is damning. Not only did Iranian American academics and...
Princeton University has publicly confirmed that Elizabeth Tsurkov was doing authorized research for her Ph.D. thesis when she was kidnapped in Iraq. Her sister Emma...