Security forces on Wednesday apprehended four Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist associates in Sopore, following a search operation in Pothka Muqam and Chanpora Athoora. "Sopore Police along with...
The NIA on Tuesday filed a charge-sheet against 12 arrested accused in a case related to the fraudulent procurement and activation of SIM cards used...
Pakistan has suffered a setback after the United States reportedly blocked its efforts to proscribe an Indian national as a global terrorist by the UN...
A man, arrested for allegedly conspiring to commit terror activities and further the ISIS ideology in the country, on Tuesday moved a Delhi court seeking...
Three Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists were shot dead in a security operation in Zadibal area of downtown Srinagar on Sunday after repeated efforts to make them...
‘Intelligence agencies have alerted police on the possibility of four to five men entering the national capital with an intention to carry out a terror...