Jammu and Kashmir police on Thursday arrested a Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist in the Awantipora area for providing shelter and logistics to JeM terrorists and transporting...
Delhi Police's special cell has carried out an operation leading to the detention of most wanted gangster and ISI henchman Sukhmeet Pal Singh, alias Sukh...
City-based Al-Qaeda suspect Kalimuddin Mujahiri, who was arrested last year for allegedly giving shelter to the banned outfit’s top recruiter in the sub-continent — Abdul...
An inflammatory graffiti hailing terror outfit Lashkar-e-Toiba surfaced here on the occasion of 12th anniversary of the 2008 Mumbai attack, prompting the police to launch...
On the 12th anniversary of the dastardly terrorist attacks in Mumbai, the US State Department Rewards for Justice (RFJ) Program has announced a whopping $5...