Al Qaida / ISIL - ISIS / Terror Financing
Origin from: turkey Associated States: syria; germany;
18 Jun, 2021 More evidence has emerged confirming that Turkish jihadist charity the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (İnsan Hak ve Hürriyetleri ve İnsani...
ISIL - ISIS / Terrorism
Origin from: germany Associated States: algeria; syria;
17 Jun, 2021 A German-Algerian woman was convicted Wednesday of membership in the Islamic State group and of holding Yazidi women as slaves in Syria
ISIL - ISIS / Terrorist Threat
Origin from: turkey Associated States: germany;
11 Jun, 2021 The trial of the suspects at large of October 10 massacre, taking place during the days that the weapons Turkey sent to jihad organizations in...
Hezbollah / Terrorist Threat
Origin from: germany Associated States: lebanon;
4 Jun, 2021 The Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the domestic intelligence agency for the German state of Lower Saxony...
Origin from: germany Associated States: syria;
25 May, 2021 A Syrian man was sentenced to life in prison on Friday for murdering a tourist and seriously injuring another...
Origin from: germany Associated States: tajikistan;
20 May, 2021 Five Tajik men went on trial in Germany Wednesday accused of belonging to an ISIS cell that planned jihadist attacks on German soil. The opening...
Origin from: germany Associated States: lebanon;
19 May, 2021 Germany's Interior Ministry has outlawed three organizations accused of collecting money for the militant Iran-backed movement Hezbollah in Lebanon.