Three Indians — not one, as earlier believed — are suspected to have been involved in the Jalalabad prison attack in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar Province that...
Turkish security forces have detained eight suspected Daesh terrorists in a counterterrorism operation in the northern province of Samsun. Police units raided several homes as...
A German woman has been charged with crimes against humanity over her alleged persecution of the Yazidi minority under Daesh (ISIS), German federal prosecutors announced...
Al-Hawl camp in the far south countryside of al-Hasakeh is witnessing continuous smuggling of ISIS families of women and children of different nationalities by some...
Austria is to introduce new measures to enable convicted terrorists to be jailed indefinitely if they are considered a threat to society. The move is...
President Emmanuel Macron announced a doubling of the security forces guarding France’s national borders and called for an in-depth reform of the European management of...
France and Germany pushed on Tuesday to tighten European Union borders to head off what French President Emmanuel Macron called the "threat of terrorism" after...
The Interior Ministry of Montenegro said that 31 Montenegrin citizens had left the country to fight in foreign wars in Syria and Ukraine since 2012....