Twisted ISIS terrorists booby-trapped fake computer game controllers with explosives in a horror plot to maim innocent children. The evil jihadists rigged household items, turning...
The Internal Security Forces (also known as Asayish) stated that their special forces 'HAT' captured an ISIS leader in a special operation in Deir ez-Zor...
As per the information received, the terrorist organization was trying to set up a strong network in Jharkhand and was in contact with several youths...
An Islamic State (ISIS) leader was arrested in the province of Deir ez-Zor in northeast Syria (Rojava), the Kurdish administration announced on Saturday. Kurdish-led internal...
There is a growing concern about youth radicalism in Singapore, the Internal Security Department (ISD) said on Monday (Jul 24), highlighting the role of social...
Evil ISIS rigged games controllers and mobile phones with lethal explosives in order to target children, it has been revealed. TV remotes, taps, and clothes...
Blockchain intelligence platform TRM Labs recently released a report highlighting the escalating use of cryptocurrency by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) affiliates...
Police in Morocco and Spain said on Wednesday two people have been arrested in a joint operation by both countries' security services targeting "terrorists". An...
A United Nations monitoring team has cautioned in a recent report that terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda and its affiliates, are growing in strength in...
The Somali army killed at least 30 al-Shabaab terrorists, including two so-called commanders, during a military operation on Wednesday, the Defense Ministry said. The Somali...