Karnataka Police is working closely with Delhi Police after the Delhi Police's Special Cell caught three people allegedly part of a suspected Islamic State (IS)...
In a recent anti-terrorist operation targeting the ISIS network, law enforcement authorities apprehended three individuals possessing engineering backgrounds and proficiency in bomb-making, as revealed by...
On Sept. 28, 2023, a student studying for his engineering PhD at Birmingham university was charged guilty for acts of terrorism after building a drone...
The devastating explosion in Mastung district, claiming the lives of over 50 individuals, while leaving many injured, reverberated across the nation. This incident marked a...
The Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (Etidal) and the Telegram platform have successfully managed to remove 10,565,178 content and closed 2,069 channels used to...
Last Friday, September 29th, a day meant to be a day of celebration for Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi (the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad) tragically turned into a day...
Mali is blighted by internal forces that seek to weaken the nation-state. Also, dangerous external influences – from various Islamist terrorist and insurgent groups –...
A Delhi court on Monday morning granted 14 days of police custody of three ISIS operatives to the Delhi police's Special Cell. Delhi police produced...
Twenty-nine soldiers were killed in western Niger in an attack by suspected militants, the Defence Ministry has said, declaring a three-day national mourning period. The...