In a distressing development, the extremist group Al-Shabaab has announced its successful takeover of five Somali Special Forces bases, leaving a trail of destruction and...
Somali military forces, supported by international partners, conducted an airstrike in the central Somali region, killing at least 25 al-Shabab militants on Wednesday night. The...
Heavy fighting is underway in central Somalia after al-Shabab militants attacked military bases in Mudug region. Eyewitnesses have told the BBC they heard heavy gunfire...
The National Intelligence and Security Agency [NISA] said it detained eight people in connection with the Al-Qaeda-linked militant group, Al-Shabaab. In a statement, NISA said...
Somali security forces on Tuesday arrested 28 people who were planning to join the al-Shabab militant group, according to officials. The arrests were made in...
Speaking in Mkunumbi, Lamu West Constituency after meeting security teams and community leaders, Kindiki said the sponsors will be required to answer to the charges....
Kenya warned Thursday of the risk that groups such as Al-Shabaab could carry out "solidarity" attacks after the explosion of violence between Israel and Hamas....
More than 30 al-Shabab militants were killed and several others injured in heavy fighting between al-Shabab and Somali National Army (SNA) backed by forces from...
Somali said Thursday that its forces backed by local militias killed at least 100 al-Shabaab terrorists in central Galmudug state. Information Minister Daud Aweis told...
The National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) in Somalia announced Friday that it apprehended a senior al-Shabaab operative responsible for procuring weaponry and explosives from...