Al-Qaeda terrorist group exploiting security vacuum created by Houthi escalation
The Yemeni branch of Al-Qaeda has kidnapped six government security personnel, an official said Thursday, the first incident...
The Yemeni branch of Al-Qaeda has kidnapped six government security personnel, an official said Thursday, the first incident...
Al-Qaeda is still active in a third of Afghanistan, in spite of a historic US-Taliban agreement earlier this year, Afghan foreign minister...
An extremist group like al-Qaida may be able to regenerate in Afghanistan and pose a threat to the U.S. homeland...
More evidence has emerged confirming that Turkish jihadist charity the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (İnsan Hak ve Hürriyetleri ve İnsani...
Sudan’s General Intelligence Service (GIS) has issued a warning saying four members – three foreigners and one Sudanese national – of the Al-Qaeda terrorist...
On May 28, President Biden addressed service members and their families at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Hampton, Virginia. Midway through his speech...
A significant part of the Al-Qaeda leadership resides in the Afghanistan and Pakistan border region, including the group's elusive leader Aiman al-Zawahiri...
Al-Qaeda’s main media outlet published a call on Muslims to carry out attacks against U.S. and Jewish interests, as well as urged individuals...
Authorities in Khartoum arrested nine Al-Qaeda militants, who had entered Sudan to participate in attacks targeting Gulf countries. Anti-Extremism Prosecutor Ahmed Suleiman Al-Awad...
The Taliban and al Qaeda “remain closely aligned and show no indication of breaking ties,” according to a new report...
On Thursday, Libyan National Army (LNA) forces arrested three commanders belonging to the Al-Qaeda terrorist...
Six Pakistani members of al-Qaeda on the Indian Subcontinent, along with eight Taliban members were killed in airstrikes...