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GFATF - LLL - Ali Abdillahi

Ali Abdillahi

Ali Abdillahi is an Islamic State terrorist who had pledged his allegiance to the terror group has been jailed today for spreading extremist propaganda...


Juma Awad al-Badri

Juma Awad al-Badri is a Islamic State terrorists who joined the salafi jihadist groups in 2003 and was known to accompany his brother, and former...


Peter Charles Mbaga

Peter Charles Mbaga is a Tanzanian national based in South Africa described by the U.S. Treasury Department as having ties to the Islamic State-Mozambique terrorist...


Abdella Hussein Abadigga

Abdella Hussein Abadigga has recruited young men in South Africa and sent them to a weapons training camp.


Siraaj Miller

Siraaj Miller who leads a Cape Town-based group of Islamic State supporters, has provided financial assistance to the Islamic State...


Farhad Hoomer

Between 2017 and 2018, Farhad Hoomer helped organize and begin the operations of a Durban, South Africa-based Islamic State cell. Hoomer, who is the...


Igor Despotovic

Igor Despotovic from Belgrade has been detained on suspicion of committing the crime of Public Incitement to Commit Terrorist Acts. Despotovic, a Serbian Wahhabi who...

GFATF - LLL - Sanaullah Ghafari

Sanaullah Ghafari

Sanaullah Ghafari, also known as Shahab al-Mujahir, is the current leader of the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) terrorist group. Ghafari is responsible for approving...

GFATF - LLL - Jonathan Guerra Blanco

Jonathan Guerra Blanco

Jonathan Guerra Blanco (also known as Abu Zahra Al-Andalusi) is a Cuban-born naturalized United States citizen, to 16 years imprisonment and...

GFATF - LLL - Kasim Guler

Kasim Guler

Kasim Guler (also known as Ebu Osama el Turki) is the alleged head of the Islamic State terrorist group...

GFATF - LLL - Allison Fluke Ekren

Allison Fluke Ekren

Allison Fluke-Ekren is a former Kansas teacher that could face up to 20 years in prison after being accused of leading an all-female battalion...

GFATF - LLL - Amer Al Haggagi

Amer Al-Haggagi

Amer Al-Haggagi is an East Bay man serving prison time for talking about wanting to kill some 10,000 Bay Area residents.