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GFATF LLL Abu Huzeifa

Abu Huzeifa

On October 4, 2017, near the village of Tongo Tongo, Niger, ISIS-GS-linked militants attacked members of a U.S. Special Forces team tasked with training, advising,...

GFATF LLL Imran Khan

Imran Khan

involved in trying to launch terror attacks in India

GFATF LLL Yunus Saki

Yunus Saki

involved in trying to launch terror attacks in India


Abu Hudhayfah Al-Ansari

He is currently giving speeches against the west, Israel and any other entity that disagree with the ideology of the Islamic State

Abdiweli Mohamed Yusuf

Abdiweli Mohamed Yusuf has played a key role in the delivery of foreign fighters, supplies, and ammunition on behalf of ISIS-Somalia, which serves as a...

GFATF LLL Seka Musa Baluku

Seka Musa Baluku

Under Seka Musa Baluku’s leadership, ISIS-DRC targets, kills, maims, rapes, and commits other sexual violence and engages in abduction of civilians, including children

Abu Ali al-Tunisi

Key leader of ISIS in Iraq, the leader of manufacturing – operations