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Sanat Asmari Company

Sanat Asmari Company, one of IRGC’s cover companies, is a manufacturer of parts and bodies of Shahed-136 UAVs

GFATF LLL Polisario Front

Polisario Front

The Polisario Front reportedly began receiving financial and logistical support from Iran via its proxy, Hezbollah, as early as 2016. Hezbollah’s involvement with the Polisario...

GFATF LLL Ali Marshad Shirazi

Ali Marshad Shirazi

Senior operative. Senior official in key position who serves under Mohammed Said Izadi, the head of the Quds Force Palestine Branch

GFATF LLL Majid Zaree

Majid Zaree

Senior operative. Senior official in key position who serves under Mohammed Said Izadi, the head of the Quds Force Palestine Branch

GFATF LLL Mostafa Majid Khani

Mostafa Majid Khani

Senior official in key position who serves under Mohammed Said Izadi, the head of the Quds Force Palestine Branch

GFATF - LLL - Majid Khademi

Majid Khademi

Majid Khademi, head of The Information and Protection Organization to the IRGC - replaced Muhammad Kazemi in June 2022

GFATF LLL Ali Reza Belali

Ali Reza Belali

Special advisor to IRGC’s Aerospace Forces Commander, He personally accompanies the Russian forces on their operational training with the UAVs.

GFATF LLL Saeed Aghajani

Saeed Aghajani

IRGC Aerospace Forces has several commands, one of them is the UAV Command, led by Saeed Aghajani.

GFATF - LLL - Hasan Mashroueifar

Hasan Mashroueifar

Commander of the Vali Amr Protection Corps - Khamenei's personal security unit (since June 2022 replaced Ebrahim Jabbari). His shadow name was Hassan Amami, and...

GFATF - LLL - Rouhollah Bazghandi

Rouhollah Bazghandi

In parallel, he functions as a deputy to Javad Ghafari. The two know one-another from the time they served in Syria together and Bazghandi was...