Debbiye 143 SAL
Ahmad is a founder, chairman, authorized signatory, and majority shareholder of Debbiye 143 SAL.
Ahmad is a founder, chairman, authorized signatory, and majority shareholder of Debbiye 143 SAL.
Ahmad is a founder, chairman, authorized signatory, and majority shareholder of Damour 850 SAL.
Ahmad is a chairman, authorized signatory, and majority shareholder of Blue Star Diamond SAL – Offshore.
Ahmad is a chairman, authorized signatory, and majority shareholder of Beirut Trade SAL.
The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), also known as the People's Mobilization Committee (PMC) and the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) is an Iraqi state-sponsored umbrella organization...
Nazem Said Ahmad is a founder, chairman, authorized signatory, and majority shareholder of Beirut Gem SAL.
Nazem Said Ahmad is a founder, chairman, authorized signatory, and majority shareholder of Beirut Diam SAL.
Nazem Said Ahmad is also a founder, chairman, and authorized signatory of Aramoun 1506 SAL.
Assi is the chairman, general manager, director general, and authorized signatory of Inter Aliment SAL (Off-Shore). In 2019, Assi oversaw millions of dollars’ worth of...
In May and June 2019, Assi used an Inter Aliment SAL (Off-Shore) business account to transfer millions of euros for the payment of the Flying...
Ahmad, a diamond dealer, is a prominent Lebanon-based money launderer and significant Hizballah financier. As of late 2016, Ahmad was considered a major Hizballah financial...
Assi is a majority shareholder, the chairman and authorized signatory of Al Yumun Real Estate Company SAL.