Muhammad Sawalha
In addition to his work with Hamas and BMI, Sawalha is a frequent guest on the Islamist Al-Hiwar television station, and is affiliated with numerous...
In addition to his work with Hamas and BMI, Sawalha is a frequent guest on the Islamist Al-Hiwar television station, and is affiliated with numerous...
The Initiative was formed in 2007 by former leaders in the Muslim Association of Britain, Sawalha, Azzam Tamimi, and Al Tikriti. The group was founded...
The son of Abdullah ibn Husain al-Ahmar, the former head of the Hashed tribal confederacy, which is now headed by Hamid's older brother Sadeq, also...
Chairman: Youssef Al Qaradawi; Umbrella organization of more than 50 Islamic charity organizations. Formed mostly to assist HAMAS.
Eid Charity is probably the biggest and most influential activist Salafi-controlled relief organization in the world. Khaled Ahmed is the Charity’s head of finance. The...