Zuhair Subhi Nahla
Terrorist Organization: Hezbollah
Status: Zuhair Subhi Nahla (Nahla) is the leader of Green Without Borders;
Role: Nahla has described GWB’s tree planting activities as providing a wall to protect Hizballah, highlighting its strategic importance for Hizballah’s security;
Location: Lebanon;
Also Known As: NAHLAH, Zuhayr Subi; NAHLI, Zouher; (Arabic: زهير صبحي نحلة);
Address: Nabatiyeh, Lebanon;
DOB: 18 Nov 1967;
POB: Dakar, Senegal;
Nationality: Lebanon;
National ID No.: 429658 (Lebanon)
Zuhair Subhi Nahla (Nahla) is the leader of GWB. Nahla has described GWB’s tree planting activities as providing a wall to protect Hizballah, highlighting its strategic importance for Hizballah’s security. Although Nahla claims that he and GWB are not part of Hizballah, he has publicly acknowledged his and GWB’s affiliation with the terrorist group.
Nahla is being designated pursuant to Section 1(a)(iii)(E) of E.O. 13224, as amended, for being a leader or official of GWB, a person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended.
Green Without Borders (GWB) was established in 2013 with the ostensible purpose of protecting Lebanon’s natural environment, including reforestation activities. In reality, it has served as a cover for Hizballah’s activities in southern Lebanon along the Blue Line, where GWB has outposts manned by Hizballah operatives in more than a dozen locations. These outposts, which are manned by Hizballah operatives, serve as cover for Hizballah’s underground warehouses and munitions storage tunnels. These installations have impeded United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon peacekeepers from fulfilling their UN Security Council (UNSC) mandate to monitor the implementation of UNSC Resolution 1701 and have prevented oversight of these outposts. Under the cover of GWB outposts, Hizballah members conduct weapons training at firing ranges, patrol the surrounding area, and maintain containerized housing units 25 meters from the Blue Line. Alleged encroachment on private property by GWB and Hizballah and propagandizing by GWB have also caused well-documented clashes with locals.