Young Taliban suicide bomber surrenders to the Afghan security forces
A young suicide bomber surrendered to the Afghan security forces, said security officials in northern Kunduz province.
“The 13-year old boy is named Sayed Mukhtar, who lives in Chardara district of Kunduz province,” said Hejratullah Akbari, a spokesman for the police headquarter of Kunsuz province on Thursday.
The spokesman added that his father was a national army commando soldier, whom Taliban broke into their house five years ago, killing his parents and taken away him along with two of his brothers and two of his sisters.
According to him, Taliban trained his brothers as suicide bombers and detonated them in capital Kabul. Sayed Mukhtar,13, spent five years in Chardara district, learning terror activities from Mawlawi Mustafa, who is responsible for making mines and suicide vests.
Taliban trained him as a suicide bomber and made him to wear suicide vest, then, sent him to Kunduz province, but Sayed Mukhtar saved himself from misery by thinking of living in the society as a righteous person, said the Akbari.
Mukhtar said that he threw away the suicide vest into the water and surrendered to the security forces to continue his life. He urges the government not to leave him alone and protect him.
Source: Did Press