LLL - GFATF - Entity Cover Img

Yazan Abu Salah


Born: 1997;

Place of Birth: Palestine;

Gender: Male;

Nationality: Palestinian;

General Info:
Yazan Abu Salah was part of Iranian-backed terror cell operating under the guise of a humanitarian aid agency in the Palestinian Authority-run West Bank.

Yazan Abu Salah, who was arrested in April, said that he had been purchasing weapons and recruiting people in advance of terror attacks. He said two terror squads, one in the Ramallah area and the other in the northern West Bank, were preparing to act.

Abu Salah also said his actions were motivated by a terror attack last year outside the settlement of Dolev that resulted in the death of 17-year-old Rina Shnerb.

He also confessed his plans for the terror cells to perpetrate numerous terror attacks, including abducting a soldier to use as a bargaining chip for the release of Palestinians in Israelis jails and carrying out an attack in the northern Israeli town of Charish.

Abu Salah said that Iran and the Lebanese-based Hezbollah terror group were funding the terrorist cell, which intended to send its members to Lebanon for weapons training and instruction in operating drones.

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