Yago Riedijk
Born: 1993;
Place of Birth: Netherlands;
Gender: Male;
Nationality: Dutch;
General Info:
Yago Riedijk was brought up in a “lovely” middle-class family before converting to Islam and joining the Islamic State terrorist group.
Riedijk, left Arnhem, Netherlands for Syria in 2016. He was in contact with a gang of seven believed to be planning a terror attack on a rock festival in his home city.
The terror cell was infiltrated by cops who supplied them with dummy weapons which failed to fire as other police swooped last year.
Last July he was jailed for six years in his absence in the Netherlands for membership of a terrorist organisation.
Shamima Begum married the Dutchman, 10 days after landing in the war-torn country in 2015. Begum said the last time she saw her husband was when they fled the village of Baghuz, Islamic State final stronghold, at the beginning of February.
He surrendered to a group of fighters allied to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). He was said to have been wounded in fighting then tortured by Islamic State chiefs who branded him a spy.
Riedijk and Begum became separated as they fled the Islamic State’s final stronghold in Baghuz. Begum was taken to the al-Hawl refugee camp while Riedijk is being held in another camp.
The pair have had three children together – two of which have died due to illness and malnutrition. They had a third baby, a son called Jarrah who was born healthy but died from pneumonia on March 8.
Riedijk described Begum as “the perfect wife” and said they are heartbroken over the deaths of their three babies.
He is seen as a national security risk and has been added to an exclusion list.