William Abo Shanab
Terror organization: Hamas.
Status: Senior operative – Hamas Lebanon, Head of Al-Shimali Unit.
Role: Recruited by Hamas in 2004.
In 2005, he served in the Training Section in Syria and in 2006, he transferred to the Production Section and specialized in drones. In this capacity, he trained in Iran and Indonesia.
Was involved in transferring professional supplies to the Gaza Strip and in production.
Al-Shimali Unit
The Al-Shimali unit recruits and trains combatants, produces weapons and drafts operational attack plans. As part of Hamas’s preparations for establishing military capabilities in Lebanon, Al-Shimali Unit was tasked with procuring missiles back in early 2015. Al-Shimali Unit operates in five geographic regions: Sidon, Tyre, Beirut, the Beqaa, and Tripoli.
The Al-Shimali Unit, whose covert activity has been reported on in the past, now numbers of hundreds of operatives. The unit deals with covert military buildup, and its current capabilities include the following:
– Developing a capability for launching 200 122 mm rockets/missiles (150 standard and 50 indigenously produced).
– Production of five automatic 120 mm mortars.
– Production of 10 mobile launchers for 100 Grad rockets.
– Locating launch positions for vehicles carrying weapons for the Maher 2 project.
– Saqar 1 project for producing drones.
– Saqar 2 project for producing suicide drones.
– Sameh flight simulator project.
The unit is also involved in recruiting operatives via personal referrals, from among Hamas operatives who have sworn a Bayaoa (oath) to God, Islam, and Hamas. When an operative proposes a friend for recruitment, they together approach the person responsible for the region (as reported, Al-Shimali has five regions). The person responsible for the region fills out a recruitment form that includes the recruit’s Hamas alias (ism haraki), personal number, education, when he joined Hamas, any morality issues there may have been, previous military know-how, etc.
The operatives then undergo a training program that includes a Kornet course, an aeronautical engineering course, a covert collection course, an armored vehicles course, a sniping and urban warfare course, a drone course, artillery, and cell command. For this training and additional military training, the unit’s rents and purchases various training centers.
The unit’s activity is carried out throughout Lebanon, in the Amran office, the Awad office, the Javad apartment, the youth center of the north Fatwa and the Mata’a Center.
The Al-Shimali unit work plan includes developing maritime capabilities. As part of these efforts, the unit would like to develop a naval force like the one in the Gaza Strip. The unit is working to procure the necessary equipment, including motorboats and winter diving suits. Various members of the unit have been receiving covert diving training.
Location: Lebanon.